Swatch-Event Bregenz
The Swatch Event «25 Years of Plastic» at the Festspielhaus in Bregenz was based entirely on James Bond. On the last Monday in August resellers, customers and journalists were invited to the big party which lasted into the early hours and featured live performances, live concerts and a disco.

A challenge for «Wings Platinum». Two oblique panorama screens 15 x 5 m in size were to float above the audience and convey the impression of a giant multi-display screen with the Bond touch. Only a rear projection with multi-display splitting was possible. Two fast Christie and Barco projectors per projection screen guaranteed the appropriate HD quality. Using «Wings Platinum» and its integrated warping feature it was possible to compensate the distance distortion of the panorama screen from top to bottom.
The panorama itself was split into 18 screens with pixel accuracy. This enabled feeding of several videos and still images at any time according to the storyboard and the predetermined show effects. Using markers in the timeline it was easy for the directors to design the chronology of the show flexibly. In this way the animated live video feeds of the DJs could also be realised without any problems. Particularly gratifying for those responsible for the show was the opportunity to change the digital contents shortly before or even during the show.
Realised by: