ISE Showcases
ISE Showcases
Once again the Integrated Systems Europe has turned out to be the leading international AV trade fair. This year, too it saw a record number of visitors. An increasing number of manufacturers presented their latest products for the first time at ISE in Amsterdam. We, too, consider this fair a highly important platform for introducing new products and solutions to the trade.
In addition to all this many other manufactures also put faith in our products. Many well-known suppliers used our AV solutions at their exhibition stands:
Canon used 8x XEED WUX400ST short-throw projectors for a projection of an extraordinary spatial experience. <link en news-events news news-single article canon-and-av-stumpfl-to-show-an-extraordinary-projection-experience-at-ise-2015-1 _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Here you can find a detailed user report.