AV Stumpfl Screens Partners
The global partner network of AV Stumpfl
Our products are distributed, installed and rented by a global network of partners. If you would like to find an AV Stumpfl partner in your area, please use the country selection below or click on the map.
country selection
AED Display nv
Bedrijvenpark de Veert 12
BE-2830 WillebroekTel: +32 3 8607666
Fax: +32 3 8607665
www.aeddisplay.com- Screens rental
Screens distribution
AED Rent GmbH
Heidchenstraße 3-5
DE-56424 BannberscheidTel: +49 2602 999 371 0
www.aeddisplay.com- Screens rental
Audio & Vision
Geroylanoy 29 - Lampsa
GR-11524 AthenTel: +30 210 6919931
Fax: +30(210)6930416
www.audiovision.gr- Screens distribution
Audio Visual Events
1/12 Frederick Street
2065 St Leonards NSWTel: +612 9438 5656
rentals@audiovisualevents.com.au- Rental Partner
Audio Visual Material Ltd
Courtyard House, The Square
GU18 5SS LightwaterTel: +44 1276 418030
dwilliams@avmltd.co.uk- Screens rental
Screens distribution
AV Stumpfl CIS
31/1 Skolkovskoe Shosse
RU-121353 MoscowTel: +7 495 9376309
Fax: +7(495)9376309-203
www.avstumpfl.com/ru- Screens distribution
AV Stumpfl Inc.
1055 Windward Ridge Parkway, Suite 180
30005 Georgia AlpharettaTel: +1 678 330 2980
AVStumpfl.com/us/- Screens distribution
AV Stumpfl Nederland
Nieuwe Schaft 3a
3991 AS HOUTENTel: +31 30 636 1481
Fax: +31 (30)634 1385
www.hdav.nl- Screens distribution
AVeco Technologies
441, avenue Marguerite Perey
FR-77127 LIEUSAINTTel: +33 1 69898173
Fax: +33 1 60756977
https://www.unified-av.com/- Screens distribution
35, Praxagora Str., Neos Kosmos
GR-11745 AthenTel: +30 210 9210803
Fax: +30(210)9214036
www.avidex.gr- Screens installation
Screens distribution
Berger Grossbildprojektion
Bgm.-Grünzweig-Straße 32
67063 LudwigshafenTel: +49 621 598000
Fax: +49(621)5980030
www.berger-me.de- Screens distribution
Big Screen GmbH
Gewerbeallee 13
4221 SteyreggTel: +43 732 683323 0
Fax: +43(732)683323-20
office@bigscreen.at- Screens installation
Charmex Internacional, S.A.
Maresme, 103-105
ES-08019 BarcelonaTel: +34 902 468469
Fax: +34(933)080642
www.charmex.net- Screens distribution
Cine AV Services (PTY) Ltd.
Retail Park Phase 2, Unit 37, Epsom Street
2164 Norhtriding, RandburgTel:
tyron.ackerman@cineavs.com; operations@cineavs.com- Screens distribution
90, via Proventa
48018 Faenza (Ra)Tel: +39 0546 622080
Fax: +39(0546)622090
www.comm-tec.it- Screens distribution
Conex Media GmbH
Karl-Schachinger Straße 1
4070 EferdingTel: +43 7272 999999
www.conex-media.at- Screens installation
Conference Systems SRL
14 Episcopul Ilarion Street
21512 BucharestTel: +40 21 250 2094
Fax: +40 21 320 1783
www.conferencesystems.ro- Screens rental
Congress Engineering Opltd.
schk Mladost bl. 75 wh. G et. 8, ap. 96 obl. Sofia
BG-1184 SofiaTel: +359 2 9632955
Fax: +359(2)9632955
www.congresseng.com- Screens installation
ETHA international GmbH & Co. KG
Muttertal 6-8
D-97857 UrspringenTel: +49 9396 9701 0
info@etha.de- Screens rental
Screens distribution
Events-Ready Ltd.
36 St. Pimen Zografski Str
1172 SofiaTel: +359 (0) 884663434
sales@events-ready.com- Screens distribution
Evolve Media Group
236 Outlook Point Drive, Suite 800
32809 OrlandoTel: +1 321 800 5180
Fax: +1 407 858 9449
http://www.evolvemediagroup.com- Screens distribution
Gahrens + Battermann GmbH
Lustheide 77
D-51427 Bergisch GladbachTel: +49 2204 20402
Fax: +49(2204)204200
www.gb-mediensysteme.de- Screens rental
Gerriets GmbH Bühnenbedarf
Im Kirchenhürstle 5-7
D-79224 UmkirchTel: +49 7665 960 0
Fax: +49(7665)960525
Huss Licht & Ton GmbH & Co. KG
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 6
89129 LangenauTel: +49 7345 91922 0
Fax: +49 (0)7345 91922-22
www.huss-licht-ton.de- Screens distribution
3-12-35 Shimo Ochiai Shinjuku
161-0033 TokyoTel: +81 3 39525131
Fax: +81(3)59799891
www.kikuchi-screen.co.jp- Screens distribution
kmc klösch media complete GmbH
Percostr. 31 A2B
1220 WienTel: +43 1 2571361
Fax: +43(1)257136199
www.kmc-media.at- Screens installation
Screens distribution
Kraftwerk - Living Technologies GmbH
Maria-Theresia-Straße 49
4600 WelsTel: +43 7242 692690
Fax: +43 7242 692691
www.kraftwerk.at- Screens installation
Lang AG
Schlosserstraße 8
D-51789 LindlarTel: +49 2266 47640
Fax: +49(22660)476420
http://www.lang-ag.com/de/startseite.html- Screens rental
Screens distribution
Lang Baranday
Farbhofstrasse 21
8048 ZürichTel: +41(44)5002535
Sales@lang-baranday.ch- Screens distribution
C/ Trepadella, 12
8755 CastellbisbalTel: +34 936 886 042
sales@lang-iberia.com- Screens rental
Screens distribution
Leading Technologies s.r.l.
Via Solferino 54
IT-20900 MonzaTel: +39 039 9415200
Fax: +39 039 2103506
www.leadingtech.it- Screens distribution
Bakken 4
7120 Vejle ØTel: +45 75 816633
Fax: +45(75)816634
www.lissau.dk- Screens distribution
LIVE-LAB Co., Ltd.
3rd Floor, 70, Yeonnam-ro 1-gil, Mapo-gu
3991 SeoulTel: 02 2038 8533
Fax: 02-6455-2031
master@live-lab.com- Screens distribution
LTT Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bakalarska 17
02-212 WarszawaTel: +48 22 845 00 65
Fax: +48 22 845 00 69
ltt@ltt.com.pl- Distributor/Direct Dealer
Screens distribution
MediaTech Central Europe, a.s.
Drienová 34
821 02 BratislavaTel: +421 2 20 999 700
www.mediatech.sk- Screens distribution
mevis.tv GmbH
Blumenstraße 40-42
70182 StuttgartTel: +49 711 2142 0
Fax: +49 711 2142 249
vertrieb@mevis.tv- Screens installation
Screens distribution
NicLen B.V.
De Hooistreep 10
NL- 3751 LW Bunschoten-SpakenburgTel: +31 85 7822 888
info@niclen.nl- Rental Partner
NicLen CH AG
Zufahrt über Erspachstrasse, u. Fischbachstrasse 2
CH-8932 MettmenstettenTel: +41 442422424
info@niclen.ch- Rental Partner
50, rue des Chardonnerets
F - 93290 Tremblay-en-FranceTel: +33 1 4863 0294
info@niclen.fr- Rental Partner
NicLen GmbH
Steinbrinkstraße 61
D-44319 DortmundTel: 49 231 / 999 61-0
dispo@niclen.de- Rental Partner
NicLen UK Ltd.
Crest Distribution Park, Crest Road, High Wycombe
HP11 1WT BuckinghamshireTel: +44 1844 617083
info@niclen.uk- Rental Partner
Omnio Srl
Via Ubaldo Bracalenti 16
32020 Limana (BL)Tel: +39 0437 1956798
info@omnio.pro- Screens distribution
Pacific Projection
Room 706, 7/F, Cornell Centre, 50 Wing Tai Road, Chaiwan
HK Hong KongTel: +86 - 135 8489 1744
info@pacificprojection.com.hk- Screens distribution
Pacific Projection
55# Lane 98, Haoxiang Road, Jiading District
CN-200333 ShanghaiTel: +86 852-2520 1183
saleschina@pacificprojection.com.hk- Screens distribution
Perrot Audiovision SA
Mattenstrasse 2A
2555 BrüggTel: +41 32 3876080
Fax: +41(32)3876089
www.perrot-audiovision.ch- Screens distribution
Stigaregatan 7
SE-791 60 FalunTel: +46 70 5728119
Fax: +46(171)32009
www.preqbi.se- Screens distribution
Projektor.at Präsentationstechnik GmbH
Slamastraße 29, Haus 1, Top 4
1230 WienTel: +43 1 61762670
Fax: +43(1)61762679
www.projektor.at- Screens installation
Screens distribution
Prostage AS
Tvetenveien 30
0666 OsloTel: +47 22 99 46 60
salg@prostage.no- Distributor/Direct Dealer
Publitec Präsentationssysteme & Eventservice GmbH
Steinbrinkstr. 61
D-44319 DortmundTel: +49 0231 99961 650
Fax: +49 (0231) 99961699
info@publitec.tv- Screens distribution
RGB Communications Ltd
2 Lowesden Business Park Lambourn Woodlands
GB-RG17 7RY Berkshire, HungerfordTel: +44 1488 73366
Fax: +44(1488)73377
http://www.rgbcomms.co.uk/- Screens installation
Screens distribution
Satis & Fy AG
Industriegebiet Dögelmühle
D-61184 KarbenTel: +49 6039 91200
Fax: +49(6039)45951
www.satis-fy.com- Screens rental
Grindelstrasse 6
8303 BassersdorfTel: 044 511 87 10
proav@secomp.ch- Screens distribution
Show Technology
157 Neilson Street
Onehunga 1061 New ZealandTel: +64 09 869 3293
www.showtech.com.au- Screens distribution
Show Technology
101 Derby street
NSW 2128 SilverwaterTel: +2 9748 1122
www.showtech.com.au- Screens distribution
38 Rue du Bois Galon
94120 Fontenay Sous BoisTel: +33 1 41950973
Fax: +33(1)41950206
www.simda.com- Screens distribution
Switch On Co. Ltd.
1F, No.6, Ln 192, Sec 2, Ren’ai Road
24449 Linkou District, New Taipei CityTel: 886 02 8601 9033
www.switchon.com.tw- Screens distribution
Theatrixx Technologies Inc.
1655 Richardson street
H3K 3J7 Montreal (QC)Tel: +1 514 939 3077
Fax: +1 514 933 0087
www.theatrixx.com- Screens distribution
Rental & staging expert. Company focus: Integration and Theatre. Company can provide demo units. Training sessions on regular basis.
Thomann GmbH
Hans-Thomann-Straße 1
96138 BurgebrachTel: +49 9546 922366
info@thomann.de- Screens distribution
Ton & Bild Medientechnik GmbH
Vorderlandstr. 10
A-6830 RankweilTel: +43 5522 48820
office@tonbild.at- Screens rental
Screens installation
Screens distribution
Total Solution
1 Kallang Way 2A, #01-01
347495 SingaporeTel: +65 6287 9878
enquiry@tsm-int.com- Screens distribution
Total Solution
47/317 Industry Condominium Kaitak tower, room K005093, 5th floor, Popular Road, Sub-district Ban Mai, District Pakkret
11120 NonthaburiTel: +66 0 2 1170007
chantigach@tsm-int.com- Screens distribution
Total Solution
14-15, 2 Rio Tower, Persiaran Rio Bandar Puteri
47100 Puchong Selangor Darul EhsanTel: +60 10 204 4558
enquiry@tsm-int.com- Screens distribution
Total Solution
1 Kallang Way 2A, #01-01
347495 SingaporeTel: +65 6287 9878
enquiry@tsm-int.com- Screens distribution
vision24 GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Straße 3
64560 RiedstadtTel: +49 6158 918810
www.vision24.de- Screens distribution
Visiontools Distributions & Rental GmbH
Königsreihe 12 - 14
D-22041 HamburgTel: +49 40 209864 0
www.visiontools.de- Screens rental
Screens distribution
PO Box 54721, Office 126, Al Ferdous 4, Al Safa 1
DubaiTel: +971 (0) 4342 5443
www.vueav.com- Screens distribution
Xmedia Handels GmbH
Franckstr. 45
4020 LinzTel: +43 732 6617550
Fax: +43(732)66175522
www.xmedia.at- Screens installation
MapSVG Map Credits:
- Title: Title of the work, “MapSVG Map ”, https://mapsvg.com/maps/world
- Author: "MapSVG", https://mapsvg.com/maps/world
- Source: https://mapsvg.com/maps/world
- License: "CC BY 4.0", https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Modifications and adaptations:
The colour of the original map was adapted to reflect our company's CI.