AV Stumpfl supplies world’s tallest screen for Gasometer Oberhausen

The Wave, part of the new Planet Ocean exhibition, features a 40m × 20m projection screen made in Austria by AV Stumpfl.

Wallern a.d. Trattnach (Austria), 10th April 2024AV Stumpfl supplied the tallest screen in the world – a 40m-high projection surface from its new Flex Contrast PRO range of high-end projection screens – to the Gasometer Oberhausen, a former gas holder-turned-exhibition space in the Ruhr, Germany.

The record-breaking installation forms part of Planet Ozean (Planet Ocean), a new exhibition focusing on the beauty of the world’s seas which opened at the Gasometer on 15th March.

Undoubtedly the highlight of Planet Ozean is the large-scale immersive work Die Welle (The Wave), centred on a custom AV Stumpfl Flex Contrast PRO projection screen that rises 40 metres into the sky from the Gasometer’s central gallery. Conceived and implemented by Ars Electronica Solutions, Die Welle allows visitors to experience a photorealistic ocean world featuring gigantic crashing waves, life-sized whales and sea jellies, and huge schools of ocean fish. Ars Electronica Solutions conceives, designs and implements interactive and multisensory worlds of experience, including public exhibitions, brand landscapes, trade fairs and events.

“The Wave sculpture that we have developed here, in close collaboration with Ars Electronica Solutions and the composer Rupert Huber of Tosca, enables a completely new, immersive experience that would only be possible here in the Gasometer,” comments Nils Sparwasser, curator of Die Welle.

The computer-generated content for Die Welle was created from scratch by Ars Electronica Solutions, which began by simulating a virtual oceanic basin with a volume of over six million cubic metres of water. Using seven 30,000-lumen Epson laser projectors, the final product is projected onto a vast interlocking screen surface.

“The initial research, as well as the initial technical planning and concept of The Wave, was done by Ars Electronica Solutions,” confirms Patrick Müller, head of technical operations for Ars Electronica Solutions. Müller and his team also came up with the idea to split the 40m × 20m L-shaped screen into five sections, each the right size for the projected video content.

Sigma System Audio-Visuell GmbH (SIGMA AV) was responsible for integrating the AV equipment, overseeing projector positions and housings, cabling, sound, and installation according to Ars Electronica Solutions’ specifications, while geo – Die Luftwerker planned and constructed the ‘Wave’ itself, handling the trussing, static calculations, and installation and positioning of both screen surfaces (again according to Ars Electronica Solutions’ spec).

All project partners also benefited from the expertise of AV Stumpfl, whose Austrian team were on hand to provide assistance and support from the inception of the installation to its completion.

Jan Walter, global sales director, screens for AV Stumpfl, comments: “Flex Contrast PRO is the perfect material to show off the breathtaking images to their best advantage. The projection screen manages to reproduce the full power of the projectors – the improved colour accuracy speaks for itself. We are delighted to be able to contribute to this unique experience.”

Jeanette Schmitz, managing director of Gasometer Oberhausen GmbH and curator of Planet Ozean, explains why the Gasometer is the perfect venue for the visual splendour of Die Welle: “The Gasometer Oberhausen is known as the ‘cathedral of industrial culture’. The 100-metre-high airspace offers a unique spatial experience and plenty of space for extraordinary installations, which are the visual highlight of every exhibition.

“We were immediately won over by the concept of The Wave, as it plays on this gigantic space and casts a spell over visitors to the exhibition – where else would you get the chance to go on a hunt with sharks or marvel at humpback whales in their original size? The Wave is also an important pillar of our fundamental concept, as our new exhibition opens up as an overall model with various communicative approaches providing an unrivalled insight into the world of the ocean.”

In addition to being the site of the tallest screen in the world, Planet Ozean is the Gasometer Oberhausen’s most successful show to date, Schmitz adds: “In the first four weeks, we welcomed more than 150,000 visitors to the exhibition. This makes Planet Ozean the most successful exhibition in terms of visitor numbers in the Gasometer's 30-year history as an exhibition hall.”


Ars Electronica Solutions: ars.electronica.art/solutions
AV Stumpfl: www.avstumpfl.com
Gasometer Oberhausen: www.gasometer.de
geo – Die Luftwerker: geo-dieluftwerker.de
SIGMA AV: sigma-av.com